Impact HR designed specific processes for a “best practice HR system” consolidating team management and contracts with industry-specific legally compliant documents. The solution is transforming the way early learning service providers implement employment law and…
This month’s top HR team story! Jasmine Ward has joined our growing business as a Senior HR Consultant, Jasmine has been working in HR for over 12 years having honed her skills within the Technology and Retail industries.
We’re excited to announce that the Impact HR team is expanding. We welcome Kerry Downes — she’s a Senior HR Expert who has over 20 years’ experience in Human Resources working for a variety of companies in hospitality, entertainment, manufacturing retailing and distribution.
The truth is that if I slip into using “Corporate Talk” of workforce planning with some of my clients, they break into a cold sweat and think I’m about to make managing a team really hard. The reality is very different. Workforce Planning doesn’t have to be hard. It is just as important in a smaller business as in a big business – possibly even more important.