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Separating People

Make the best decisions for your organisation

Impact through making the best decisions for your organisation. 

Letting people go is a reality of being in business, Impact can help you through this difficult process so your business can continue to succeed.

Impact HR Meeting


There a number of reasons why you might need to let a team member go, there might be ongoing and persistent performance issues which can’t be resolved or the needs of your business may change meaning a redundancy is required. Whatever the reason, Impact HR can help.

You’ve tried really hard to help a member of your team be successful. You’ve gone out of your way to show them what they need to do, what they need to do differently and how to be successful in your business; but it is just not working!

Their performance hasn’t changed, your team are getting frustrated, you are getting frustrated and they are becoming demoralised. It’s crunch time. You need to let them go…..


In our experience, this is one of the things that business owners and managers dread the most. They put it off until there is just no escaping the decision. Impact HR is here to help at this difficult time. We can help you double check that this is the right decision. We know how hard and costly it is to hire someone and go through the training, so first we can help you with the difficult decision of whether or not to let someone go.

If the only answer is to end the employment relationship we can assist you:

  • plan the conversation
  • create the necessary documentation
  • ensure that you are as well prepared for the day as possible
  • or we can even be there if needed to make things easier for you and them on the day


With our support the person can leave the organisation in a way that is respectful and positive, allowing you, others in your team and the person involved to move forward successfully.

Sometimes it is not about performance. Our constantly changing world means that sometimes as business owners we have to change direction and skills or roles that were needed before are no longer necessary in our business. If you are faced with a redundancy situation like this, we are here to guide you through the process and take the worry out of a challenging situation.

Pick up the phone and call us. Our experience and knowledge will ensure that the most challenging aspects of running a business are easier.


Letting People Go the Impact HR Way

Make the best decisions for your business


The Do It Yourself Hiring People Package is designed to make the recruitment process easier for you and your business, the package provides access to documents and templates you can customise to meet your individual needs. The package includes:

  • A recruitment policy
  • A recruitment procedure
  • A position description template
  • A job advertisement template
  • A selection matrix to help you make the best decision possible
  • Examples of Behavioural Based interview questions
  • Interview tips
  • And more!


The Do It Together Hiring People Package utilises your extensive knowledge of your business combined with the HR expertise of an Impact HR senior professional. The Do It Together package allows you develop the HR systems your business needs and creates a sustainable HR future by developing your own or your team’s HR knowledge and competence.

The package aims to help small business owners or their dedicated HR administration person to be HR confident and provide supported opportunities for developing HR foundations.

Through one on one mentoring and coaching, the Do It Together Hiring People Package covers business strategy support, organisational structure diagram, defining roles and responsibilities, the where, how and why or hiring people.


The Do It For You Hiring People Package aims to take away the stress and time of recruiting a new team member. Before hiring anyone, you need to have a clear understanding of what it is you need them to do, the laws around discrimination when hiring and a plan in place for how to go about the recruitment process. All this can seem daunting at first. We aim to make the entire process easier for you and any new employees.

We take the guess work out of the recruitment process for you. Our team has years of experience recruiting almost every role you can think of and we know how to screen candidates quickly and ask the right questions to accurately assess candidate’s real ability. As the name suggest, in the Do It For You Package, we can do everything for you! We can write the job advertisement, advertise, screen candidates, interview, reference check, test your new team member to make sure they are the right person to join your business, provide all the documentation for getting them started and create an orientation plan.

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