A panel of leaders discussing with a title text that says Fair Work Commission Update

Fair Work Commission Update

May 29, 2024

The Fair Work Commission Update has been released and made changes to the wording of the Retail Award concerning the pay rate for employees covered by the Retail Award to ensure they are compensated when they don’t get the minimum break between shifts.


These changes are already in place. If your team have been affected, you need to make back payments from the first full pay period on or after 14 May 2024. Employees covered by the Retail Award will receive a higher pay rate if they work a shift without getting a 12-hour break between their shifts. In some organisations this gap between shifts has been negotiated to 10 hours.


All hours worked without this necessary break are paid at:

– 200% of their minimum hourly rate
– 225% of their minimum hourly rate if it’s a public holiday.
– This higher rate continues until the employee has had a minimum break between shifts.
– Casuals also get their casual loading, calculated on their minimum hourly rate.



– If you have policies relating to gaps between shifts it is important to review these in light of the change.
– Check your timesheets for any potential backpay requirements
– Consider this when planning rosters for the team, especially over peak periods relevant for your business such as Mothers’ – Day / Black Friday Sales / Christmas etc.


As a small business owner, we know how busy it is this time of the year. If you need help to review your business’ policies and procedures regarding the retail award, please reach out.

Impact HR is here to help. Contact us to schedule a free consultation and get all the details about this important update. We’re here to answer your questions and provide the guidance you need.

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