Want to be 21% more profitable? Here’s how:
It feels counter intuitive to put Employment Engagement first in your business when there is so much going on for SME businesses:
Expenses are increasing – Wages, electricity, rent: you name it, it has gone up in price.
It’s harder to fill roles – Australia’s unemployment rate is only 3.9%
Cyber attacks are more common
AI is changing how we think about…
Managing performance can be difficult to approach. Adding an employee’s medical issues into the mix can make matters more complex very quickly. The most appropriate strategy to reach a resolution is dependent on the medical issue you are dealing with.
Over the past 2 years many of us have struggled with Covid lockdown requirements and the isolation that came with it. Whilst we understand why many wish to return to the office and be with others, employers are now more aware that having people in the office who are unwell comes with downsides. So, what can you do?
The start of each year is a time for many of us to set New Year’s Resolutions for ourselves and our businesses. We are ready and willing to do what it takes to create a better us or company. But as the weeks creep by, things might slip and suddenly we are back in our old patterns again.