HR Blog


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No-cost and low-cost single touch payroll solutions

No-cost and low-cost single touch payroll solutions

In a Micro business every dollar counts, and time is money as the saying goes. So at this time of year when there are extra administration and governance burdens on business owners, it is important to save time and effort where you can. The ATO has put together a no-cost and low-cost Single Touch Payroll (STP) product register to help micro employers (those with one to four employees) who need to report through STP more effectively.

Job description vs job ad – do you know the difference?

Job description vs job ad – do you know the difference?

If your organisation has a position to fill it can be quite confusing on what’s needed. Do I need a job description? Do I need to write a separate job advertisement? The answer is: you need both.  There is a common misconception that these documents are similar however a job description and a job ad serve different purposes and contain different information. Understanding the difference between them can be useful for both employers and job seekers.

What is a Better Off Overall Test (BOOT?)

What is a Better Off Overall Test (BOOT?)

A common question we receive, when we’re investigating flexible options for our clients is what is a Better Off Overall Test (BOOT)?
A Better Off Overall Test is a requirement when creating an individual flexibility agreement for employees. This tool is used to determine whether the proposed change to an employee’s terms and conditions of employment will leave the employee better off overall than they were before the change. For example, proposed changes to hours or pay against the minimum terms and conditions in the relevant award.

Unlimited Annual Leave – does this work?

Unlimited Annual Leave – does this work?

Introducing an unlimited annual leave policy to employees should be done in a clear and transparent manner taking into consideration the minimum requirements of the relevant award. This is a significant change and requires careful consideration and planning for any employer.
If implemented correctly, this is a great benefit to retain the current team and attract new people as well as demonstrating the trust you have for your employees.

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