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Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em

Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em

You know the saying, you’ve probably even said it yourself “Good employees are your greatest asset!” So recruiting and retaining the right people is critical to your business success. So what’s the secret to employee retention? Is it the free food and drink once a year at the annual Christmas party? Or is there something more?

Defining Insanity

Defining Insanity

Einstein is often credited with the quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. I love this quote. Why? If like me, you are back at work you are probably taking some time to think about and set some goals for your business and personally for the New Year. Maybe you are making some important decisions about where to focus going forward.

The 5Ws of Impact HR

The 5Ws of Impact HR

While working with my 6 year old daughter who was writing something for school, she reminded me that it is always helpful to go back to the 5Ws. We all know them: the Who, What, Where, When and Why you are doing something. With this re-learning fresh in my mind I decided to write the 5Ws of Impact HR. It is such an easy and concise way of thinking about your business.

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