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Change to Labour Market Testing – New Requirement For A ‘Continuous Period’ Of Advertising

Change to Labour Market Testing – New Requirement For A ‘Continuous Period’ Of Advertising

The Department of Home Affairs has recently announced a change to the policy for LMT. Previously, employers were allowed to conduct LMT over non-consecutive periods to reach the 28-day requirement. For instance, employers could post job advertisements for 14 days and then, after a few days, lodge another round of job advertisements for 14 days to bring them to 28 days in total.

How to avoid your Christmas party going HaYwire

How to avoid your Christmas party going HaYwire

We’re certainly on our way towards Christmas! If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to start planning the end of year work party. Teams are always keen to get festive and social with their colleagues, it’s a great way to have a lot of fun with the people you have worked hard with all year long…. But what if it all goes hAyWiRe and you are left with an awkward situation to manage?? What to do?? As an employer there are steps you can take to minimise any impact on your business and ensure everyone experiences a safe environment.

Making the most of your December!

Making the most of your December!

December can be a really busy month both professionally and personally. We know our calendars are already filling up with end of year celebrations, school events and festive season plans.  Amongst all that chaos it can be hard to figure out how to make the most out of your December at work.

2023 Business XCellence Awards

2023 Business XCellence Awards

We are delighted to announce our recent win at the 2023 Business xCellence Awards! Impact HR was recognised above all others in the HR Services category as the business which delivers excellence! 

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