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Some Thoughts from the World of HR

How to Get the Best Outcome in a Performance Improvement Process

How to Get the Best Outcome in a Performance Improvement Process

As a manager, a primary responsibility is to ensure that every team member meets their set standards. Providing optimal tools and guidance is crucial to facilitate the team in achieving their goals. Nonetheless, there are unfortunate situations where an employee struggles to meet targets, resulting in performance below expectations. In such instances, it becomes necessary for a manager to initiate a Performance Improvement Process. The primary objective is to assist employees in meeting job requirements by implementing a structured and supportive improvement…

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How to nail your EVP

How to nail your EVP

An employer value proposition (EVP) includes your businesses core benefits that make up your wider employer brand. This is an unwritten promise between your business, a potential employees and your existing team as to what your business and culture can offer them in exchange for their talent, skills and experience.
Statistics show us that there is more movement in the Australian labour market than ever before. Employees leaving businesses is (mostly) a concern and can create a negative impact on businesses, especially small businesses. Having said that, it can also be a great opportunity for SMEs to hire with so many people looking to move.
To take advantage of the opportunity before us, we need to understand what our employees and potential employees want. Employers often believe their teams work with them because of good salaries and job security, but we know that these rank 10th on the list of why someone would accept a new position.

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Business success through a team plan

Business success through a team plan

For many small and medium sized business owners and managers, the idea of workforce planning is a little intimidating, something that other larger businesses need to do but not us. Workforce planning doesn’t have to be corporate, complex or cold, the reality is quite different and is just as important for a smaller business as it is for a big business – possibly even more important! In larger organisations, you can often “make do” and have someone else around who will be able to cover a role or task for a short period of time. You are likely to have more than one person with the same set of skills so you have back up but that’s not the SME life! In SMEs we all wear multiple hats and often there is only one person with the qualifications to do a role. In a SME it’s critical to have the right people with the right skills at the right time.

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Creative places to find your dream team member

Creative places to find your dream team member

There are many places to look for a job. New platforms are always being set up to compete with established players. You can search online, newspaper, agencies, job seeker centres and through networking social media. Let’s talk through each area and where is most likely to be fruitful to the active job seekers.

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HR trends to know and plan for in 2024

HR trends to know and plan for in 2024

The resilience and optimism of  Small and Medium sized business owners never ceases to inspire me. While there are things going on in the world that could lead us to be pessimistic, a whooping 79% of business leaders involved in a recent study stated that they expected improvement or stability in the business environment during 2024. To turn that optimism into reality here are my top tips:

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Making HR compliance easy

Making HR compliance easy

For many people the start of the new year is a time for setting New Year’s Resolutions for ourselves and our businesses. We are ready and willing to do what it takes to create a better us or company but as the weeks creep by, things might slip and suddenly we are back in our old patterns again. Well, there is always next year, right?  When it comes to your HR foundations, business owners really can’t afford to push them off into the future with a “one day I’ll get around to it.” Described by some as boring or too hard these three little things will give you compliance and peace of mind.

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AI in HR

AI in HR

Whether we like it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here and we all need to take the time to understand it better. AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. AI is used across many businesses and all industries and includes things such as Siri, chat bots on website, speech recognition, driverless vehicles and software such as ChatGPT. AI can be really helpful in so many parts of life, including HR but there are some things AI will never be able to do. We know that HR first and foremost is about people and we know the when dealing with people, things can be unpredictable, complex and nuanced so when using AI in HR, we need to make sure we know what we are doing. There are a number of ways AI can be useful and can save you time and money in your business.

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