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It’s OK – It’s not COVID!

It’s OK – It’s not COVID!

Over the past 2 years many of us have struggled with Covid lockdown requirements and the isolation that came with it. Whilst we understand why many wish to return to the office and be with others, employers are now more aware that having people in the office who are unwell comes with downsides. So, what can you do?

Boundaries: work vs life

Boundaries: work vs life

In early 2020, the working world changed, potentially forever. We were told we had to work from home if possible and our working hours were filled with Zoom and Teams meetings. Many of us added into this mix responsibilities of caring for children and remote learning pressures. The boundaries and lines between home and work life, truly blurred. We know many working parents worked in shifts, with some working late into the evening to get work done which couldn’t be completed during traditional work hours due to remote learning priorities. We had meetings with children sitting at our feet in order to multitask our way through the juggle. The flexibility offered to manage work and family commitments was life changing in many ways, but let’s explore the costs. Now more than 2 years on, as we move back to a new normal, what impact has there been on the boundaries which should exist between our work and home life?

Immigration process changes

Immigration process changes

Impact HR is proud to be the outsourced HR partner for a number of global organisations and local businesses who need to sponsor employees to work in Australia. We collaborate with several immigration companies to ensure that our clients have the team they need. Part of this process often includes the mandatory advertising of positions to ensure that suitably qualified Australians are employed in appropriate roles. The Department of Immigration requires this labour market testing to be completed on a government job site. Work Force Australia launched on July 4th 2022 and replaces Job Active.

Annualised salaries

Annualised salaries

As a Small Business owner or manager you are busy up-dating wages and superannuation but don’t forget that back in 2020 the Fair Work commission introduced an important process to ensure that employees covered by a number of awards are protected from underpayments called Salary Annualisation. Creating Annualised Salary Statements is one task you can outsource. Contact us and we can assist you with the reconciliation process and navigate any changes.

Unauthorised leave

Unauthorised leave

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, “I’m just letting you know we’ve booked a 2-week holiday for next month, I’ll put the leave in now”. This is a predicament we find a lot of business owners and companies face regularly. The proposed leave either falls within a critical project delivery or the dates clash with another team member’s leave or some other scenario that makes the request something you are unable to agree upon.

As this is something we encounter a lot at we want to help you understand how to deal with this.

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