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People Planning Process

People Planning Process

For many small business owners and managers, the idea of workforce planning may be a little intimidating but workforce planning doesn’t need to be corporate, complex or cold. The reality is quite different and is just as important for a smaller business as it is for a big business – possibly even more important! In large organisations, you always have someone to cover a role and more than one person with the skills but in a SME life isn’t like that. We all have to wear multiple hats and often we are the only person with the qualifications for our role. In a SME it’s critical to have the right people with the right skills.

The 5Ws of Impact HR

The 5Ws of Impact HR

While working with my 6 year old daughter who was writing something for school, she reminded me that it is always helpful to go back to the 5Ws. We all know them: the Who, What, Where, When and Why you are doing something. With this re-learning fresh in my mind I decided to write the 5Ws of Impact HR. It is such an easy and concise way of thinking about your business.

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