Set a plan and do it!
1 December 2022
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Who doesn’t love this quote from Einstein? Many people continue to do the same thing over and over without altering any of the variables only to be disappointed when results don’t change. Does this mean they’re acting insanely?
Statistic Brain research tells us that only 8% of people who make resolutions keep them and that by the end of the first week, 25% of people have already broken them. Is there is a way to turn this around? Yes!
Let’s start with the obvious: Do something different!
Draw or mind map your goals.If charts are your thing – create a simple to read graph. Make it easy to see what you want it to be like going forward.
Display it somewhere obvious.Share it. Let others know about that desire to achieve something different this year. In a work setting it will help your team understand what you’re expecting of them.
As it is displayed somewhere obvious, write your progress towards the goal on it so that your achievements(or lack of them) are on display too. Goals that are openly talked about have the best chance of being achieved.
Celebrate your successesand use your set backs to refocus your attention on what changes you need to make to achieve your goals.
We work with owners and managers to break down the business; understand your needs to meet client expectations; and talk about current skills and experience to achieve future goals. We identify gaps; talk about different options for how we will achieve the outcomes; consider all the people related stuff and agree to the next steps. Following a ‘People Planning Process‘ session we recently conducted a client fedback “You’ve taken all of the complexity and chaos in my head and helped me make sense of it”.
So get to it! Prove you can do something different. Don’t close this blog and think you will come back to it later. And if you’re still struggling contact Impact HR and let us help you with the ‘People Planning Process’ to put your ideas into a format that works for you all the time. Call us on 1300 474 672, or send us an email if you need help.
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