Flu at Work


Pandemic leave

26 July 2022

Unpaid Pandemic Leave reinstated into some awards

As of the 15th July 2022, full time, part time and casual employees covered by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services Award; Aged Care Award; Ambulance and Patient Transport Award; Health Professionals and Support Services Award; Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award; or Supported Employment Services Award can again access to 2 weeks’ unpaid pandemic leave. This leave is available immediately to all employees who are required to self-isolate. It does not need to be accrued first and employees do not need to use all their paid leave before accessing it. The leave needs to start before (but can finish after) the 31st of December 2022. Unpaid pandemic leave doesn’t affect other paid or unpaid leave entitlements and it counts as service for entitlements under awards and the National Employment Standards. Additionally, as of the 18th July 2022, there has been an extension to the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment through Services Australia which is a payment available to eligible employees who do not have appropriate leave entitlements and can’t earn an income because of COVID-19.

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