Leading in Covid-19 and Beyond
30 June 2020
Our workshop was broken into three (3) key areas designed to help understand what drives your passion in the business, engaging your team and setting expectations and understanding your control to build a COVID-19 and Beyond business.
We explored valuable personal insights for now and into the future keeping participants up to date on developments in leadership and business planning. We also helped to navigate the intricacies of working in the current environment and assisting with any number of issues that mattered to our attendees, their team and clients.
Impact HR is particularly excited that our workshop was able to provide the opportunity for individual exploration through the guidance of helpful tools like the Pattern Interrupt Plan and the business focused Johari Window, developed especially for during COVID-19.
All attendees left with a customised vision for their business in COVID-19, a vision for their business in a Post COVID-19 world and an individual plan for ‘who to tap into for success’. If you missed out or attended and, would like a quick reference guide our LEADING IN COVID-19 AND BEYOND infographic is available HERE.
As Impact HR continues to grow the scope of our work, we want to continue to share with you the tools to provide a top-notch service to yourselves, your teams and your clients today and tomorrow, and to act as your partner in all things HR. Our virtual workshops and events will continue to strive to support your business and keep you on the cutting edge.
If you have any questions about this workshop or, feedback for us regarding events – or are interested in hosting one of your own in collaboration with Impact HR – please contact us.
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