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Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022

21 March 2023

In early December 2022 the Government passed as legislation the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 obligating employers to ensure workers are safe and free from sexual harassment.

The act has commenced and complies with seven recommendations of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Respect @ Work Report.

The Act is intended to push employers’ compliance to take reasonable measures to remove discrimination conduct, specifically, workplace sex discrimination, harassment, and victimisation. A collective approach including the Government, employers, employees, and the community will be adapted to support prevention and implement better responses to sexual harassment in the workplace.

The Act is expected to support workplaces by providing leadership and innovation to address the complex and at times uncomfortable issue. A positive duty framework is created shifting focus from individuals making complaints to employers to be proactive and implement prevention quickly. The expectation falls on employers to continuously assess, evaluate and determine if requirements of this duty are being met.

Now would be the time for employers and businesses to review current policies and practices. Sexual harassment should be addressed, and employees trained and aware of what is expected of them in the workplace.

If you need advice on how this affects your business, or you require support on amending policies, please contact our Senior Consultants on 1300 474 672 or .

For further information visit  Respect@Work | Respect@Work (

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