Business Deadlines


Play to your Strengths

27 October 2021

Impact HR Director Therese Ravell reflects on topics to share some advice that may be important, relevant and helpful to the business community.

When working with clients to manage performance we often hear a lot about what people are not good at. Before we move to performance management, there are times we stop to ask the question: “what are they good at?”

Understandably it is easy to identify what is not working. There is a lot of evidence for it. With development we may be able to remove or minimise the weakness. However, I find that if we can also identify their strengths and leverage those, the potential for success is far greater. We recommend adopting a positive psychology approach.

A great way to engage with this mindset is through openly exploring our strengths.  My team and I sometimes use the Super Hero game in our own team meetings. My super power is optimism. I can find a silver lining in every dark cloud. Then as a team we can solve the problem of how to tap into the silver lining. We need the super power of another team member, Strong Systems, to build that solution into a great foundation from which we can leverage the silver lining.

Playing to our strengths is an important part of building the future success of your business. If you’d to learn more about your strengths (and/or those of your team members) and how to use them, you may like to consider our Strengths Profile assessment and coaching debrief package. To learn more, please contact our Senior Learning & Development Consultant, Katherine Craig.


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