Adaptive Planning
January 27, 2025
“But I had it all planned out in my head!”
is a comment we hear regularly. As business owners and managers, we spend our time developing a great plan. And then… someone resigns, a client requires more work, or less work, there is a legislation change etc. etc. Our great plan has a hole in it. And that hole needs to be filled, and filled fast.
I love a quote from Prussian Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke the Elder. He said, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” It’s so true. And in business the “enemy” is many and varied. From small time thief discussions that prevent you from implementing, to broader industry and economy or legislation changes. They all distract us from achieving our goals.
That’s why we need to be adaptive planners: know where we are going, what resources we need to get there and prepared to adapt to opportunities and barriers constantly.
Most managers we work with think that this adaptive planning is important for the negative situations. There is no denying that we need to change our plans to adjust to negative things. However, there are more times when we are adjusting to the positive changes. We’ve secured another client, or we’ve implemented the software to streamline a process which will enable productive gains. Whenever you have a win, you should be exploring your People Plan for more leverage points.
Impact HR’s People Plan builds this all of this in by asking questions and setting out our opportunities and our risks.
One of the best steps to having your adaptive People Plan come to life is to develop your and your team’s Leadership skills. Leading with Impact registration closes on Wednesday 29th January.
Don’t miss out! Book today to ensure that you can take advantage of the positive changes that occur in 2025 and mitigate and of the negatives.
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